Five High-Paying Part Time Work from Home Jobs


Do you hate getting up and going to work in the morning? If you’re like most, you probably do. Some days (or every day) you just want to roll over and go back to sleep. If you did – the bills wouldn’t get paid and there could be far worse consequences.

Maybe you like your job, but have obligations at home and can only work part-time. There’s a plethora or circumstances that would lead one to look into getting work where you can stay at home, work part-time and still make a decent wage. There’s hope for you yet – whether you need to make money now or you can build something from scratch here are five high paying part-time work from home jobs.

5. Market & Survey Researcher

It’s not the most glamorous job in the world the world, but you can get paid and you don’t have to do it full-time. The median salary for someone who puts in time (like a little more than part time) is around $60,000. If you’ve never done anything like this I suggest you do your due diligence before signing on the dotted line.

4. Public Relations Specialist

Once again, this isn’t really going to excite you, but it’ll certainly pay the bills. It’s a little more glamorous than Market & Survey Research, but it’s not that much fun. The top part-time PR specialists can earn close to $51,000. How much do you know about Public Relations?

3. Writers & Authors

This is a tricky one.. Why? Well, first we’re not necessarily talking about bloggers here nor are we talking about the George R.R. Martins of the world either. You can write for various media sources and make over $60k a year. The problem is you have to find the right opportunity and you have to be able to write… well.

2. Graphic Designers

Graphic Designers are well-paid even the part-time contractors you never really hear about. If you can latch on to the right opportunity you could make over $70k. Obviously you have to have experience in Graphic Design and probably gone to school for it  – they aren’t given these ones away.

1. Bloggers, Internet Entrepreneurs and More

Let’s face it – true wealth these days is built buying owning your own business. What is more now than the internet? Start a business around the internet – work from home and eventually you’ll be part time. At first you may have to put in the hours, but there are hundreds of millionaires who own their own business that work from home.

Image via Nick Lieber/Businessweek

Written by Worthly