A Virtual Workout Buddy Is Coming to Help You Get Better Workout

CrossFit: Workout Regimen With A Fiercely Loyal Following

Whether you know from personal experience or scientific research working out with a partner makes a huge difference. Whether it’s motivation, a spotter, or just someone to push you when you might bag it early if you were on your own, working out with a buddy is far better than a solo mission.

For those that agree or even those that rely on a partner to get to the gym, but don’t have one – we may have your solution. A software generated partner might be the workout buddy you need to get a major sweat on. Currently, it’s still in a test phase, but you better believe that software and video game companies are keen to give this a go.

According to Deborah Feltz, a professor at Michigan State’s kinesiology department, “We wanted to demonstrate that something that isn’t real can still motivate people to give greater effort while exercising than if they had to do it by themselves.  Unlike many of the current game designs out there, these results could allow developers to create exercise platforms that incorporate team or partner dynamics that are based on science.”

Tests were conducted at Michigan State that saw 120 students use “Cybud-X” an exercise game use to develop Feltz research. The results were a success. There was significant motivational gain demonstrated by all students in all settings of the game. The same can be said when the participants were put in a virtual team setting.

There’s no doubt that something is going to come to market soon based on Feltz’ research. Just be prepared to see it at the gym – it could be a little awkward at first to see someone with a virtual workout buddy.

Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Written by Worthly