Home Depot and Five Other Notable Company Security Breaches

Home Depot Posts 44 Percent Increase In Quarterly Profits

Home Depot has recently been facing breaches in their security and payment data system. This breach is one of many for corporations, especially as of recently and provides hackers with access to the info of anyone who has shopped in the store and used a debit or credit card to pay their bill. Here are five other notable company security breaches.

5. Dairy Queen

At the end of last month, Dairy Queen was the latest company to run into a payment security breach. They were hit with the same malware that many other company’s were and leaked all customer and payment information. The company isn’t sure about the exact number of customers information that was taken but thus far nobody has faced any theft.

4. UPS

UPS was hit with a security breach in the middle of August that took the data from 51 different stores. The breach started back around the end of March and was able to dodge the company’s security for months until it was finally eliminated. None of the customer information taken has been used for theft yet, but names, emails, addresses, and card information were taken.


Back in July of this year, EBay faced a data breach problem that they realized while reporting third quarter sales. While the company faced a security payment breach on customer debit and credit cards, they did recover quite well and see improvements in sales and revenue. The company brought in $4.4 billion and hasn’t dealt with any security problems since.

2. Target

Last year, Target ran into a data breach problem that ended up giving away the data of 110 million customers. Similarly to Home Depot, this security breach happened through the credit card payment system and leaked all card and customer data. The breach happened during Black Friday weekend, a time when the most customers would be visiting physical stores to take advantage of the deals and use their cards.

1. Apple

This was the most recent security breach and possibly the largest. An anonymous internet hacker was able to access tons of celebrity iCloud accounts and download all of their personal photos, videos, and more. The accounts were hacked using a program called EPPB that makes it easy to reset passwords.

Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Written by Blaise Hopkins

Feel free to contact Blaise on Twitter @Blaisehopkins or check out his blog Man and His Movies.