For many high-end fashion brands, handbags are some of their most important products. They arguably make up a large percentage of a companies sales and are worn by many different women across the world. Every year we see major fashion labels update their handbag line, and the famous British company known as Burberry has recently just shown off their Banner Bags.
In an industry primarily dominated by French and Italian designers, Burberry is one of the largest and most famous labels to not come from either of those areas. The company has been around since 1856 and are known for their quality products, including their famous handbags. Their newest offering are the Banner Bags and they are shaping up to be pretty nice.
The Banner Bags come in a variety of different colors including pink, tan, beige, light brown, dark brown, dark blue, and dark green, among others. The bags most distinguishable feature is the checkerboard-like pattern on the sides. The bags come in two different sizes, medium and small, and are perfect for everyday use.
These “softly structured” tote bags are traditional yet very elegant, meaning they can be worn with a variety of different things. The bags feature a side buckle fastening, a detachable leather shoulder strap, a zipped central compartment, and interior pockets. Despite being an English brand, these bags are made in Italy entirely from calf leather with a cotton trim. The interior of the bag has the same check pattern found on the sides.
Depending on what bag you choose, expect to spend a decent amount of money. The medium sized bags range between $1,495 to $1,395 dollars while the small bags range from $1,395 dollars to $1,295 dollars. The Banner Bags are already available in either Burberry boutiques or their online store. For more information head on over to their website here.
Photo from Burberry