Will Smart Clothes Be the Norm By 2020?

Smart Clothing

It truly is quite a remarkable time to be alive. While our various nations and the planet as a whole face many obstacles to overcome, the quality of life in general is much better than what it used to be. We live in the most interconnected time period , mankind is on the brink of curing cancer, we can harness energy from the sun, grow meat in labs, and we are looking towards the stars to see what is possible for the human race. All of this could have not been accomplished without the aid of technology. I am by no means old, however I was born before the internet was even a thing. In my short life on this planet, we have gone from having no access to the internet, to virtually everyone carrying a personal computer, and much more. Thinking about the technology breakthroughs in the last fifteen years is simply stunning.

While modern technology has much to offer, the most recent consumer market that is exploding is that of wearable technology. As smart watches are becoming increasingly popular, it seems that we are going to continue to wear technology for the time being. So what does the future hold for this industry? What forms of wearables can we expect in the future? How can they benefit our lives? Well it seems that the next major technology shift will be focused on “smart clothing”.

Researchers and analysts over at Tractica forecast that the smart clothing market is on the verge of exploding, and that by 2020 they will become the norm. According to data that they have collected and analyzed, they expect that shipments of smart clothes will surpass 10.2 million units, which is up from the current 140,000 or so. So what exactly are smart clothes, and what do they do?

Smart clothing is a pretty broad term that categorizes any article of clothing that utilizes technology in some way. From shoes that can tell you how far you’ve walked to shirts that can measure your heartbeat, all of those things would be considered a form of smart clothing. Smart watches, fitness bands, and virtual reality goggles have already paved the way, and the next logical progression is in the world of fashion. While there aren’t many products that could be considered smart clothing right now, they are just around the corner and a strong force that is driving the smart clothes industry would be the fitness market.

For runners, weight lifters, athletes, or any individual that considers fitness an important part of the lives, smart clothing is extremely appealing. A shirt that can measure your vital signs or measure how much your muscles have increased in size, for example, is something that many people would be interested in. We already have a few products that combine the world of technology and fitness, and the data out there suggests that this is a massively profitable market.

The interesting thing about anything related to the technology industry is the sense that people have to upgrade. When you purchase, say, a kayak or a piece of furniture, there really isn’t any incentive to upgrade when the newest one comes out. Typically, you just kind of use those products until they break. This is obviously not the case with anything related to technology, which is why we see the majority of people purchasing a new phone or computer every few years. Don’t think that’s necessary? Pick up a cell phone that was released four years ago, and compare it to current offerings. The differences are staggering. This same model would apply to smart clothing, which could easily make it a billion dollar industry.

The fitness world would lead the charge for smart clothes as their benefits are virtually endless, but they aren’t the only market that would benefit from smart clothing. The medical industry would also realize incredible benefits from smart clothing. Just the other day I saw an app for a smartwatch that helps you track your insulin levels. Imagine a world where we could instantly recognize a heart attack because someone was wearing a shirt that tracked ones vital signs. The lives that could be saved from this alone make smart clothing almost a necessity. But outside of those hypothetical products, what else could smart clothing offer us?

Imagine a pair of shoes that could change color to match any outfit, or a dress that could mechanically alter itself to change its style. While those are just ideas and dreams right now, I don’t think it will be that long until we see products exactly like that. I have a application for my smartwatch where I can take a picture of my outfit, and then the app will generate a face that matches my look. That blows my mind. So is it really difficult to imagine clothing that could do the same? I don’t think so.

So while smart clothing isn’t really a thing right now, there’s absolutely no reason to not think that they will never happen. The increasing levels of popularity among existing options indicate that smart clothing and wearables will only become even more common place. Can we expect an Apple Suit or Sony Shoes in the future? Who knows. One thing is for sure, smart clothing will be the norm and sooner than you might think.

Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Written by Sebastian Hensiek

From Philadelphia, Sebastian is a fan of music, writing, art, and entertainment.