These $36,500 Train Tickets Will Take You Around The World


Most people probably don’t think that a vacation would consist of riding on a train. For people who travel via rail, a train is typically the means to get to their favorite vacation spot. However, we are seeing a few companies popping up who are offering luxury rail travel. These train trips are typically vast and travel across beautiful locations, and the trains themselves offer the best amenities possible in a passenger train. Well, a prominent luxury railway company known as Great Rail Journeys is offering a train trip of a lifetime.

Great Rail Journeys has many premium train trips all over the world, and they are some of the most expensive out there. However the company recently has gone on to tackle circumnavigation. With one ticket costing $36,500 dollars, Great Rail Journeys offers potential customers an amazing 53 day long adventure across the world via train, and you will be riding first class.

The trip starts in London on May 18, 2015 and from there passengers will fly to New York City. The train journey starts in New York and over the course of 20 days, passengers will get to take in amazing sights while hitting all the hotspots in the country. Out West after going through the Grand Canyon area, the train travels to Los Angles and then eventually to San Francisco. From San Francisco passengers will fly across the Pacific Ocean into Shanghai. From Shanghai the train goes trough Xian, Beijing, and then to Mongolia. From Mongolia it goes up through Russia and begins the epic Trans-Siberian route across the largest country in the world until it finally reaches Moscow. The train route then goes through Warsaw, Prague, Vienna, Innsbruck, and Venice. From Venice the train then goes back to London to complete the journey.

The first trip is not too far away, however there will only be 25 tickets available, making it very exclusive. If you want a true adventure via train to see the world, there really is no better option. Provided you have the money that is.

Photo by Harold Cunningham/Getty Images

Written by Sebastian Hensiek

From Philadelphia, Sebastian is a fan of music, writing, art, and entertainment.