Ultra-Rare Cat Breeds You Can Get By Paying Big Bucks

Ancelaine Lumikki, Achet Aton/Wikipedia

For those who seek the extraordinary, these rare cat breeds offer beauty, history, and an unmatched charm. With exotic appearances and captivating stories, they come with a luxury price tag and a unique allure. Let’s dive into the world of these magnificent felines and uncover what makes them truly exceptional.

The Allure of the Ashera

Wiki.ed22/Wikimedia Commons

A rare blend of domestic cat, serval, and Asian leopard, the Ashera offers a true exotic charm. Created by a California-based biotech company in 2006, this breed has a price tag reaching $125,000! However, they are not officially recognized by any cat registry.

Savannah Charm

Jason Douglas/Wikipedia

Bred from African servals and domestic cats, Savannahs flaunt lean bodies, tall legs, and stunning spots. First recognized in the late 1990s, these cats are energetic companions with dog-like loyalty. Even today, their rarity keeps them valued among elite pet collectors and enthusiasts.

Toyger’s Tiger Stripes

Heikki Siltala/Wikipedia

With stripes resembling wild tigers, Toygers are the brainchild of breeder Judy Sugden. Debuting in the early 2000s, they were selectively bred to inspire conservation awareness. Though not a wild cat, each Toyger makes a dramatic impression with its exotic, striped coat.

Elegance of the Egyptian Mau

Lil Shepherd/Wikipedia

Noted as one of the oldest domesticated cat breeds, Egyptian Maus have ancient roots linked to Egyptian royalty. The breed is also the fastest domestic cat, capable of sprinting up to 30 mph! Their striking spotted coats and heritage captivate collectors worldwide.

Peterbald’s Unique Look


This rare cat from Russia showcases a distinct hairless appearance, first bred in the late 1990s. With almond-shaped eyes and elegant physiques, Peterbalds are captivating. These kittens are affectionate by nature and are beloved by their owners.

Kurilian Bobtail’s Island Origins


Hailing from Russia’s Kuril Islands, the Kurilian Bobtail sports a natural, rabbit-like tail. Labeled for its strong build and playful spirit, this breed has island-hardened traits that make it resilient and hardy. It’s a curious blend of ruggedness and charm for collectors.

Burmilla’s Silver Touch

John Turner/Wikipedia

The Burmilla, a Burmese-Chinchilla Persian hybrid, and its unique silver-tipped coat are prized. Originating in the UK during the 1980s, the cat has a regal shimmer that stands out. Elegant yet playful, Burmillas remains a rare gem in the world of exotic cats.

The Rare Serengeti


Developed in the 1990s to resemble the wild African serval, Serengetis are domestic but stunningly exotic. Possessing long legs, striking markings, and graceful movements, it’s ideal for those desiring a wild look without the wild origins. A true collector’s delight!

Khao Manee’s Gem-Like Eyes


An ancient breed from Thailand, Khao Manees have pure white coats paired with striking blue or odd-colored eyes. With eyes like diamonds, the Khao Manee was once reserved for royalty. Its rarity and distinctive beauty continue to enchant those with a taste for luxury.

Abyssinian Grace


Thought to descend from ancient Egypt, Abyssinians have sleek bodies, ticked coats, and athletic elegance. Known for their playful personalities and sociable nature, these cats are a favorite among rare breed enthusiasts. Having one feels like holding a piece of feline history.

Written by Johann H