The 10 Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World


Ask someone what the most expensive thing besides their home is and you surely would not expect to hear the words “my cat” come out of their mouths. While cats are among the top choice among animal lovers as a pet, it is a rare day that you will encounter someone who owns one of these pricey breeds. Now, any of these breeds can be bought “under the table” or on sale so of course the true price will vary. These prices reflect what the purest breeds would sell for at top dollar.

1. Russian Blue – $350,000

Yes, you read that number right. Someone out there is willing to purchase a cat for what average people consider the price of a mortgage. This cat is known for its silver-blue coat. It is also very playful and great for kids.

2. Bengal – $25,000

Considered one of the most beautiful cats on earth today, this breed is an Asian leopard and domestic feline combined. The “domestic” temperament tends to take over after about 3 generations of breeding however, if you want to be a little more assured that they wont scratch your face off, it is recommended to purchase after at least 4 generations of breeding or more.

3. Savannah – $20,000

Back when the Ashera cat was considered a real breed going for 100,000 dollars, the Savanna cat which was considered a lesser version, would go for a higher price of 50,000 dollars. However since the higher priced Ashera cat was proven to be an imposter, the Savannah cat can be found at a reduced price. It is a mixture of an African Seval and your ordinary house cat.

4. Persian – $5,500

This is a cat. It originated in Ancient Persia. There is not much else to be said about this cat except it is among the most popular breed of house cat. It is a long haired cat and is therefore a pain to groom. If cared for properly, which most people with an endless source of money will ensure, the cat is actually very beautiful and quite regal.

5. Peterbald – $5,000

One look at this cat and you will see exactly how it got its name. Some of them look bald all over while many just have really short hair. This is an experimental cat acquired by breeding a Oriental Short Hair and a Donskoy. What is a Donksoy? Not quite sure, but since it didn’t make this list we wont worry about it for now.

6. Manx – 4,000

This cat is truly a work of nature. First thing you will notice is its lack of a tail. This the result of a unique mutation that no one bothered to fix, and now people think its kind of cool. Next you will likely note that their hind legs are much longer than the front ones, causing them to bunny hop when they walk.

7. Sphynx – $3,000

To the untrained individual, this cat could look like Peterbald’s twin brother or sister. However, this cat is truly hairless. It is because of this fact that they require special care. Be prepared to groom this cat at least weekly at a minimum. Before the words “but it’s hairless” come out of your mouth, here’s the explanation. Simply put, a sphyx cat is like a little hairless baby. It can not groom itself, and therefore must be bathed in a special solution at least once a week.

8. Scottish Fold – $3,000

This cat actually has a reputation for being loving. What? A cat that is loving? Yes, the Scottish Fold cat is loving and loves attention. A fold kitten also sells for a considerably higher price than other common breeds.

9. British Short Hair – $1,500

Guess where this cat is most popular? Go on have a guess. That’s right, this cat is one of the most popular cats in the United Kingdom, hence the name. It is a great choice for apartment dwellers due to its stable character.

10. Maine Coon – $1,000

Rounding out the top ten at a mere 1,000 dollars, some would wonder why this cat is even on the “most expensive” list. However, considering the fact that many people out there (cat lovers included) would balk at the thought of spending even one dime on a cat when there are so many you can find for free, it is worth mentioning the state of Maine’s official cat.

Images via Thinkstock

Written by ashwin