The Most Expensive Baby Foods in the World

baby food

It’s natural for parents to want the best for their babies, and that includes the food they eat; and that usually means buying the most expensive items available. Baby food is often misconstrued by parents as something their children don’t start eating until halfway through their first year. However, babies food is actually their breast milk, their formula AND the special pureed foods they begin eating when they hit six months. Read on to find out which baby foods are the most expensive.

Annabel Karmel Organic Baby Purees – $19

A typical small jar of baby food costs somewhere around a dollar. It’s not terribly expensive, though you can purchase some that are a little above a dollar and some that are a little below a dollar. This organic baby food, however, costs $19. To feed your baby all week, you’ll spend around $56 on this baby food.

Similac Alimentum – $30

Alimentum is a specialty formula for babies with sensitivities. It’s more expensive than most regular powdered formulas. You get the same amount of formula – around 145 ounces – for around $6 more per container. This is a specialty formula that most babies do not need, thankfully.

Enfamil Nutramigen – $35.99

This package of specialty formula provides you with around 145 ounces of formula. It’s a powder mix, which is typically the least expensive. However, this specialized powder formula is for babies with sensitive feeding needs, and it costs approximately $10 more per container than regular powder formula, making it among the most expensive.

Similac AdvanceReady to Feed Forumula – $38

It might seem like it’s not the most expensive baby food on the list, but it’s expensive. This is a premixed formula that does not require water. All it requires is that you shake it and pour it. It comes in a package of 6 containers, each containing 32 ounces of formula. Depending on your infant’s age, this might mean using one container per day. This will allow the formula to last just under a week for a total of 192 ounces.

Enfamil Concentrated Liquid Formula – $62

This baby formula is a bit easier to mix than the powdered stuff, but it’s also more expensive. A package of 12 cans cost $62. Each can contains only 13 ounces of formula. Since you mix it with equal parts water, you get approximately 26 ounces per can, which is only about 3 8-ounce bottles per can. One package will last about a week, give or take a few days. You’ll get a total of 312 ounces.

(Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Written by Tiffany Raiford

Tiffany Raiford is a lifelong Floridian, wife to my high school sweetheart and mother of four littles (two girls and boy/girl, they are not identical and yes, I'm sure). My kids love to whine, so I love to wine. My loves include nap time, bed time, date night, travel and evenings and weekends when my husband is home because he handles all diaper changes.