Check out the New MVP Model 3 Airplane from Aero


MVP AERO Inc. is a private company located in Delaware that develops and produces the world’s Most Versatile Plane (MVP). Their latest project to be revealed is the Model 3 plane that will be a light sport airplane and available as a fast build kit or full experimental kit.

The Model 3 is designed to work across most of the elements such as land, water, snow and even ice. The jet itself has floor panels that can be altered to a fishing or camping mode depending on whatever owner’s are using it for. The plane also features a pusher propeller and folding wings made from carbon fiber, so they are sturdy and can also fold for efficiency.

In the floating mode for fishing (seen above), the plane’s windshield actually rotates into a canopy to offer protection from the sun while hanging out and relaxing on the vehicle.

Being able to operate in the air, land, and water makes the Model 3 very easy to operate and dock on the water because of its immense control. The vehicle will allow for owners to truly travel wherever they want and experience tons of different landscapes all from one vehicle. The Model 3 folds up very quickly and actually condenses itself really well to accommodate for tight marina spaces or in a hanger which is the easiest way for the company to display just how versatile the plane can actually be.

The MVP Aero Model 3 is newly introduced and currently in a mock up display form, but will eventually be available for purchase. The Model 3 is an insanely futuristic vehicle that fulfills multiple traveling needs and will eventually be available to buy from anywhere between $169,000 and $189,000.

Check out this video below for a complete walkthrough of everything the Model 3 will be able to do and the many different ways this vehicle can be utilized.

Written by Blaise Hopkins

Feel free to contact Blaise on Twitter @Blaisehopkins or check out his blog Man and His Movies.